The Campaign
International Day of the Disappeared 2009

On August 30 2009, which markes the 26th anniversary of the International Day of the Disappeared, the ICAED voices concern about the fate and whereabouts of persons who have been forcefully disappeared and called for action to help them.
On this date, ICAED sends an appeal to all parliaments across the globe to sign, ratify and implement the Convention against Enforced Disappearances.
Alongside this, activities are carried out in numerous countries and y several international human rights organisations to commemorate the disappeared. Family member organizations and human rights organizations in countries such as Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Peru, Switzerland, the Philippines and the Netherlands demand attention for enforced dissapearances.
- Celebration of IDD in Philippines
The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) is organising a series of activities around August 30 in Manilla, the Philippines. Participants will come from several Asian and Latin American countries. On August 28 AFAD and FIND will organise a joint celebration.
Please read the joint invitiation
The Netherlands
On August 29 Aim for human rights organises a public action to celebrate the international day of the disappeared. Hundreds of ballooosn carrying the names of disappeared persons from all continents wil be released.
Amnesty International action
Amnesty International is organising a series of activities around the International Day of the Disappeared and the Convention. You can read more in the Amnesty bulletin the Wire of August/September 2009
In Argentina family members of the disappeared organise various activities to honor the disappeared. On August 26 there wil be a music performance. On Augsust 30 the disappeared detaineed are honored at the 'Monumento de las Victimas del Terrorismo de Estado' in Buenos Aires.
In Cyprus an article wil be published in various newspapers. In addition a letter is sent to the Minister of Justice and to the parliaments of Cyprus and Greece
Amnesty France is organising several activities on the International Day of the Disappeared. Among the activities are an article in the liberation and special webpage with a a video of video of Ibni Oumar Mohamed Saleh. His father has disapperad in february 2008 in Chad.
Read the article in the Liberation (in French)
Watch the video on the Amnesty France website
United Nations
The UN Working Group on Enforced of Involuntary Disappearances and the Office of the High Commisioner on Human Rights release press releases on the International Day of the Disapeared.
In Iraq families of the disappeared will gather to commemorate the disappeared. In addition the International Day of the Disappeared wil be promoted through several media.
Letters were sent to the different parliaments and parliamentary groups in Spain. The ARMHC also issue press release.
Letter to Partido Popular (in Spanish)
Press release (in Spanish)
Even though opposition activities are prohibited in Belarus their might be some actions around the International Day of the Disappeared. A letter to the government, some articles in mass media and maybe some street actions with the portraits of disappeared , posting the pictures in public spaces
Sri Lanka
The family member organisation AFMD will organise various activities to commemorate the disappeared and call for ratification of the Convention. A postcard campaign, a live readio discussion and tribute to the martyrs.
- Preparing actions in Peru
The ICAED members in Peru organise various activities to promote the Convention in August. On August 30 they will present a letter to the President signed by personalities.
Read a press release (in Spanish)
On August 30, Swiss NGOs are joining together to launch a petition requesting that the Swiss Government sign the Convention and undertake all necessary measures to submit the Convention to Parliament for ratification.